Anybody who watches baseball remembers this picture. Curt Schilling standing on the mound with a bloody sock for game 6 of the 2004 American League Championship Series. This was the series were the BoSox finally beat their arch enemy the Yankees to get to go to the World Series. Schilling had torn a tendon in his ankle and played with it stitched up and bleeding-gee Curt you're such a hero.
Gary Thorne a respected sports broadcaster has come out and said that it was not blood at all, but rather paint. Thorne said while broadcasting an Oriole's game that Doug Mirabelli told him this. Here is Ben Maller's little blurp on it from FOX Sports. Red Sox Nation is about to riot. Gary Thorne has been around baseball for a lot of years I can't imagine him saying this if it weren't true. Schilling is an arrogant asshole, but it is hard for me to believe that he would do something like this. I don't like Schilling. I never have. He is an obnoxious, right-wing, George W. loving, gun toting, born again Christian who has the audacity to criticize his teammates (past and present), the organization he plays for, and anybody else who won't get on board with his views. Schilling essentially walks around with a giant bullseye on his back and believe me people come out of the woodworks to take shots at him.
Schilling has been very vocal about steroids and major league baseball to the point where he has led the charge to have Rafael Palmeiro's stats erased from the record books. I find this to be a little extreme. Sounds to me like Schilling has a little grudge. No doubt Palmeiro is a juiced out scumbag, but baseball, just like life is filled with them. If MLB erases his stats than they have to erase the stats of all people in baseball linked to steroid use. Jose Conseco, Barry Bonds, Jason Giambi, Sammy Sosa, Darren Dalton, and Mark McGuire just to name a few.
If Schilling did in fact put paint on his sock as a PR stunt he is a bigger egomaniac than I thought. I hope for the sake of baseball and Red Sox Nation that he didn't because this will destroy that organization. The sock hangs in the hall of fame-go get it. The answer is simple go get the sock and run a DNA test on it. If the DNA comes back Schilling's case closed and if it comes back with Benjamin Moore's well Curt you got some explaining to do. FYI Curt Jesus didn't help you win the World Series in 2001 and 2004 a good team did. Or did you forget about them?
I wouldn't put it past this raging asshat. Manufactured drama? In BASEBALL?! Perish the thought! Oh, wait, well, there was that whole Sammy Sosa corked bat debacle during the famed McGuire/Sosa home run race to beat Maris' record....anyway. What an asshole. Agree completely - test the damn thing. Great entry, btw.
Posted by: Miz B | April 28, 2007 at 12:09 AM
And here I thought that was a racing stripe on that sock. Shows what I know about sports.
Posted by: tankboy | April 28, 2007 at 01:42 PM
Who knew that Curt Schilling would cause this much of an uproar in blogland?
Miz B-you know how much I loathe Slammin' Sammy-he has hit 8 dingers this season. I'm choking on my own rage already and it is only April.
Tankboy-Be happy you live in a city were this shit would never happen. No Cubbie or White Sox player would ever try to pull this stunt.
Posted by: ExileGrrl | April 28, 2007 at 02:09 PM