Manny World is open for business. I suggest you catch it before the moose out front tells you it's closed. It all started with Manny telling the media that if the BoSox lost game five last night that it wasn't a big deal and that life would go on-awesome.
"If we don't do it, we'll come back next year and try again … If it
doesn't happen, who cares? There's always next year. It's not the end
of the world.''
I really don't think this is what BoSox faithful want to hear from their misunderstood star player. But, in reality my man's right. The world will go on. Little did I know that this was only a warm up for what was to come.
Every once in awhile Manny being Manny just doesn't happen. Manny becomes someone else. Case in point the top of the first. Manny is on second when Lowell singled to right field and Manny should have scored when Cleveland right fielder Franklin Gutierrez double-clutched and threw high. Manny decided that this was far too easy and wanted to tinker with an easy RBI situation for Lowell. He decided that is was more important to toss his batting helmet as he rounded third exposing that pantie he wears to control that hair and put his head down. This part was not so bad. I actually laughed. The bad part was when he decided he didn't want to slide, but just run in and get tagged out. Maybe he didn't want to rip his jammy bottoms (seriously look at those pants). Maybe he didn't want to get his hair dirty. Or maybe he just didn't give a fuck. I'm more inclined to believe the last one. Thanks Manny for channeling Jeremy Giambi for all of America to see.
Flash forward to the top of the 3rd. I'm sitting in my chair eating a lemon bar and Manny manages to hit the longest single in MLB history-380 feet. He crushed a fly ball out to center field. Manny instead of running, opted to jog and watch his magic fly through the air. Manny and me were convinced it was gone, long gone. The ball, however, had a different plan. It struck near the yellow border atop the fence and
bounced back onto the field. Then I saw something I've never seen before ever in an MLB game. Manny called timeout to bitch about how that ball was actually a HR. It was awesome. I almost chocked on my bar. Since there is no instant replay in MLB, Manny had to choke on it and settle for the single. All I can say is Manny Ramirez has got balls-and I can't get too mad at that.
*Big shout out goes to the Skirt for the bars. They were tasty. Although they don't really mix well with beer.