Reuters said yesterday the US Navy planned on shooting a dead spy satellite out of the sky-FANTASTIC. I guess this thing runs on toxic rocket fuel- EVEN BETTER.
The idea of the US shooting this bad mother down has everyone up in arms. China is pissed. Big deal- just keep on stock piling commodities and cleaning up your air and human rights issues ahead of the Beijing games. I keep hoping that this thing hits Iran and the oil market goes ape shit- I LOVE DESTRUCTION. Nothing makes for a better market than world upheaval and destruction. I know I'm sick.
Update: According to the NY Times the dead satellite has been hit and on its way back to earth. The Navy is 80% sure it hit the fuel tank. 80% sure? I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering they can't find Bin Laden. How hard can it be to find a man with a dialysis machine attached to him in Afghanistan? That's a post for another time. Sources say that debris from the blast should be entering the Earth's atmosphere over the next couple of days. AWESOME! I hope a piece lands on my street in Brooklyn. No one would notice trust me.