Yesterday, I was reading the front section of the Times and in it was an article about how the Delta Zeta Sorority chapter at DePauw University had dismissed some of it members. Now I know some of you are thinking hmmmm what would a girl have to do to get the boot of a sorority? My immediate thought was binge drinking, bulimia, being easy, and maybe they were methheads. My reasons were not the right reasons. Apparently membership was declining and the house was half full so the DePauw chapter called their national office looking for some guidance- you are not going to believe what the national chapter did. The national chapter came in and kicked out all girls who weren't befitting of wearing their precious letters and the making of their annoying t-shirts. What they essentially said was that if you didn't fit a certain stereotype in the house-"don't let the door hit ya were the good lord split ya." That meant if you weren't behaving in the manner that I thought would get you kicked out ( binge drinking, bulimia, being easy, or a methhead)and you were just being trying to get through school you were out on your ass. You can read the whole thing here. Way to send a positive image out to the young women of the world. If you don't fit a stereotype you are out on your ass when you go to college.
I am not bagging on the Greeks. I have lots of friends who were sorority girls- the WARDEN (my mother) was also one, but this is obnoxious. I wasn't a sorority girl- I didn't need someone to plan activities for me I could do that all on my own. I have been to frat and sorority parties and they are a good time. I got loaded and picked up a couple t-shirts along the way what more could I ask for. I prefer frat boys to sorority girls, but hey to each his own. I just don't think that it is right to say if you don't fit into a certain stereotype we don't want you. If these girls didn't already have self-esteem issues I bet they do now. If you are a member of this sorority I urge you to write a letter to your national chapter and throw a fit because this is not right. It is bad enough that women spend their whole lives being objectified by the entire world. Now they can be objectified by other women as well. I will end this rant with my all time favorite sorority girl joke.
How many sorority girls does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One to actually do it and 100 to make a t-shirt about the event.
Thank you, I will be here all week.
*Oscar rant to come later*