Most sports blogs are written by recovering frat boys or old dudes trying relive their golden years. I myself would write one if I weren't such a nasty, jaded fuck. I only care about the Big 10, White Sox, hating the Cubs, Bears, March Madness, and the callin' out of scumbag professional athletes. Pacman Jones you're on my list.
Today, while looking for dirt on Charlie Weiss I came across this little gem. Yes, you read that right-Nation of Islam Sportsblog. All I could think of as I was reading was Hooper finally has a blog. Those of you who are Kevin Smith fans will get the reference.
These righteous reasoners are a great find. They don't want to hear any shit and they don't give a shit. Perfect. This post made me crawl under my desk and laugh. My favorite line in the whole thing is....
It would provide the torture necessary to bring righteousness to the souls damned in their worship of Touchdown Jesus.
I love it.