I got a call from the WARDEN this afternoon from Ohare. Here are the topics:
1. Her flight was delayed.
2. Could she have a pass to the Admiral's Club at Ohare.
TW: Hello, it's your Mother.
ME: I saw your number come up on my phone. Who else would be calling me with a 630 area code?
TW: Merry Christmas Smart Ass. My flight is delayed, some nonsense about fog.
ME: I told you to take an earlier floight. If you leave Chicago after 3 you get a royal ass jam everytime.
TW: Language!!!!
ME: You're right what I should've said was: Unless you leave Ohare before 3, you never get out on time.
TW: When did you get so smart?
ME: Years of practice.
TW: Fine. The reason why I'm calling is: Can you call the Admiral's Club and tell them to let me in under your number?
ME: NO. I told you take an earlier flight-suffer and mingle with the common folk at OHARE.
TW: That is absurd. You're just like your FATHER! And just like your FATHER you're going to go to hell one day.
ME: Yeah OK. You've been saying that for 25 years. You really should get some new material. I will be there to pick you up when you land. (I quickly hung up the phone.)
* The conversation ended with some gibberish about manners and the Grinch.
If this any indicator of what's to come it should be a most MAGICAL CHRISTMAS.
NOTE: Before you call me an asshole or the Grinch, you can make damn sure she would have done the same thing to me. She would've chewed my ass nine ways to Sunday about making her wait at Ohare. Or even better she would have told me to call 773-848-1000 and jammed me with the bill.